Monday, April 15, 2013

        Presentation ‘Education in the Doldrums : Afghan Tragedy’ to  Mr. Koichiro Matsura, Director General,      
                                                                                             UNESCO 2002

Dr. Somaratne B Ekanayake is a multi disciplinary educationist from Sri Lanka. He has served UNESCO and UNHCR as Basic Education Advisor to Afghanistan, and Central Asia,  Research Associate to UIE on Life Long Education Hamburg, Consultant on Human Rights to the University of Sri Lanka,  Advisor Disaster  Risk Management UNESCO, Viet Nam, Researcher on Issues on Primary Education in Bhutan, UNICEF. In addition he had provided consultancies to other UN agencies and several other international organisations such as GIZ, CIDA, UNICEF, ADB. As a writer he has published nearly 25 books ( latest ‘Failed Pedagogy : Need for New Paradigms (2010) and  100 research papers on education and policy, related to disadvantaged groups mostly on small schools and refugee education practices and Hand Book for Trainers in refugee education for all countries in addition to conducting policy and evaluation studies,. He has conceptualised and implemented many innovative practices in both NFE and teacher education including the current on going project on ‘Education of the Poor and Powerless: Model on Small Schools’ as well as many similar programmes